Monday, November 20, 2006

Monday Monday

Today was quite quiet. Not as good a day as I've been having. My thoughts keep turning to SR. I suppose I still want to resolve those issues. I don't want him back but I hate bitterness and conflict.

Should I try and contact or just leave well alone? I need to make a decision.

This will sound daft, but when we split there was an advert on the TV and the theme tune is an old 1930's song. It was the one my nan always used to sing around the house. I've never heard it anywhere else. Funny how whenever my thoughts turn to SR or coffee man this advert comes on? It's as if she is sitting on her cloud watching me telling me what to do. Or am I just going mad? Come on though, how many people know the song 'let me call you sweetheart' . It seems like a sign!!!

Time for bed. I've lost the plot!


Anonymous said...

It it were me in the same situation I would run around trying to contact him, I would text, I would call, I would get drunk and leave wallowing tearful messages....and regret it. If it were me giving advice to a girlfriend I would say...DO NOT contact Him....

Sighs...its so hard taking your own advice though. I suggest you dont contact because I dont think you will get a positive response, thats what I would say to a friend and what a firend would say to me...then I would go against it all and call, get a negative response and feel hurt all over again and have to start again and again with getting over it all... Dont call, instead of calling or texting or emailing, go have a something else...make yourself feel good, do something for yourself and think "hey I am getting a manicure instead of sitting here feeling miserable waiting for a text message or a phone call back".

Hugs and good luck, whichever way you go, you always have your blog and people around here that read what you write and are genuinely interested and we do try to offer sound advice.

Damn its hard.

Thinking of you hon.


The Real Bridget Jones said...

Thank you Rosebud. So far so good, I've resisted temptation. Just got to keep it up. I know what you are saying is right and I know I would say the same to a girlfriend to.

Just got to focus on the future whatever that may hold.

Thanks for the hugs and support

Walter said...

There's two things that motivate people. Pain and Pleasure. There was pleasure in your relationship with SR, being physical and mental. Knowing you had a steady, the security of it, the comfort those things brings. As for the physical pleasures I don't need to go into that. Just the remembrance of the pleasure of SR is what's tempting you to call him, that and "pain" associated with the unknown.

Funny thing about pain, we don't need to actually feel it to have it influence us. I know a score of people who won't try driving some other way to a friends house for the fear of getting lost. That sense of pain keeps them staying in their pattern.

The unknown is a big fear, and fear is a form of pain. You're living your life without SR, and the pain of it is making you think of contacting him again. Please know if you contact him, and he ignores you, or the girl he's with now says something mean back, that pain will be much worse than the pain of being without him.

You're a lot stronger than you think, you're worth more than what he can offer, he's just not worth your time or effort to contact him.

The Real Bridget Jones said...

Hi Walter,

I can rely on you to give me the sensible, rational reason for why I'm feeling the way I do. I hadn't thought of it that way. I think you are right with it being fear of the unknown. I'm trying to cling on to the old familiar ways, even though I know the heartbreak it causes.
Definitely food for thought there.
Thank you
