Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A busy day

Today was not quite how I planned but probably what I needed. I was supposed to be meeting 2 colleagues this afternoon. One turned up this morning, the other cancelled, so although we covered everything that needed to be done, we also caught up on loads of other stuff. Set the world to rights.

The lady I was working with is lovely. We had a really good day, we laughed and joked and got tons of work done.

It took my mind of everything that is going on. I am making a conscious effort to move on. The new girlfriend is intent on rubbing my nose in it, But I want to try and ignore it. They deserve each other. He is a lie and a cheat, she is smug and doesn't care that he screws around, and is taking delight in letting me know that he chose her over me. But is that such a good deal for her? If he has done it once he will do it again. She is welcome to him!

So if anyone knows a single, reliable, good, kind, faithful man, aged between 34 and 43 in the south east of England, let me know lol!!!!!!

There! I will move on!


Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh my Master is in South East (ish) England!!!! BUT....He is 54.... and NOT available!!!! Grins!!

I have loads to catch up on in your blog and have only read a couple of posts so far, but chin up girl, things seem tough now, but you will come out through the other end feeling really good about your own self worth.



The Real Bridget Jones said...

Aw thank you Rosebud.

Well does he have a brother? Cousin?

Yes things are tough but the rose tinted spectacles I wore where he could do no wrong and I could excuse his behaviour are off.

He was a bully and he used me. I need to focus on that.

So, again thank you for your kind words.



Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for the ecouraging comment. It's nice to know you're not alone in this world. Definitely not.

I wish i were above 34 to take up that offer. I heard English chicks are naughty, just kidding.

Walter said...

Don't worry about the new girlfriend. What goes around comes around, and she won't be smug for too long.

Great to hear you're doing much better.