Monday, December 04, 2006

Short meeting - long day

Well, I managed to come home today despite the meeting generating loads of extra work.

My boss was being a pain. He wanted a piece of work doing in one format, then changed his mind and expected 2 weeks work to be redone in 2 hours. It's done to a fashion. I'm just getting so tetchy so quickly. I need to get back to happy me and soon.

The Dutchman rang me on the way home so that cheered me up a little whilst I was parked on the M25. He has such a silly sense of humour.

Meanwhile I am awaiting the dress code from Coffee Man for his Xmas party. Why do men just think that 'anything will do'. So if I wore a posh party frock and everyone else is in jeans or vice versa I would feel like a right plum!

I have lots of study to do tomorrow, I have an assessment this Friday. I'm already getting nervous.


Walter said...

You'll do fine in the assessment, and I say get back to your happy self as soon as possible, like right now. ;)

The Real Bridget Jones said...

Yes Sir I'll try :)