Thursday, December 21, 2006

Birthday celebrations

Another busy day today. I was up and about and on the roads early today, the M25 was a breeze despite the thick fog. Maybe it should be foggy more often?

I got to my venue early, my delegates were there and ready so we started early. That meant we could finish early so I got to my mam's at 4pm. We had a coffee then we all went off to my sister's to celebrate my niece's birthday. 15. However did that happen. She's growing up way too fast.

I was grilled about Coffee Man. My policeman brother in law has been digging around as Coffee Man is also in the emergency services. There seems to be acceptance there. Always good.

Then a trip home again. I have realised why my thoughts are on SR, or at least when, it is at its worst when I am driving. I seem to have time to think, to reminisce, to mourn, to worry, to fret, to be jealous, to be angry, to be hurt, to be tearful, to be sad, to be angry with myself for feeling that way. Maybe I should drive less?

I've got a bit of a cough tonight, setting off my asthma so I'm going to have some linctus and try and sleep it off.

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