Saturday, December 23, 2006

Slept in late

I didn't wake up until 9:30 today, how late was that! I must have needed it though. I never normally sleep past 6:30. Although I was still awake at 3, hmm maybe that was it.

Then I went to the chemist, got more linctus, got some lemons for Coffee Man's lemon meringue pie, (his favourite, my speciality - how good is that?) I am making desert on Boxing Day as he cooks dinner.

I managed an hour's study despite my mother ringing, realising I had no voice and then throwing a thousand questions at me to which after every answer she said 'pardon, I can't hear you'. I managed to squeak I'll see you later and left it at that. Bless her!

I went down to Coffee Man's, had a lovely afternoon with him (sigh) and then went on to my mother's. It's my aunt's partner's birthday so we had to visit to deliver presents.

So here I am home again, heard yesterday that my ex-husband is a step-grandfather, that made me giggle as he is only 34. His sister said that he is less than impressed with everyone calling him grandad.

C'est la vie, that's what happens when you have an affair with a woman 11 years older than you.

1 comment:

milla said...

Squeeeeeeeeak <-- that means Merry Christmas and enjoy the lemon merangue (i can't spell that) pie.
