Friday, December 22, 2006

Proper Poorly

Well, I made it to work, felt rough and rang the doctors. I am now on antibiotics and have had to increase my inhalers. I have no voice at all and when Coffee Man rang I was as surprised as him when I could only squeak at him.

Merry Xmas eh?

I did get a bit more of my assignment done though. I want to try and get past the half way stage tomorrow. It needs to be handed in in the first days of January.


Anonymous said...

Hope you start feeling better soon sweetes, thinking of you.



The Real Bridget Jones said...

Thank you Rosie, still squeaking this morning.

Family are taking the Mickey but hey, they would only be picking on someone else so that's my good deed done!

Catch you later


milla said...

Crappy! Get better for Christmas, you must must must (i must increase my bust) Anyone else remember that book?


Lots of love,


The Real Bridget Jones said...

My bust needs no improving (giggle) it already turns corners before me.

Thank you for your kind wishes though. Squeaking a bit louder now so hopefully we are getting there.

Take care