Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Home again

I came home from Coffee Man's today as I really need to get some study done before going back to work. We had a fantastic New Year. It was simple but fun. We went out with friends in his village from the local police and fire services.

I drank a little too much, I rarely drink now. Walking home with a friend and him, the pavements were moving, I was giggling all the way with the friend walking with us and Coffee Man had to support us both. (The weather was very windy making us unsteady on our feet!)

He has a very manly checked duvet cover and I remember just gripping the bed trying to stop the room revolving and giggling thinking that the checks were moving too. He put me to bed and I just crashed out until the morning when I was awake bright and early.

We spent the day at my parents with my family who seemed to like him. Always good.

I text SR to wish him a Happy New Year and the reply I got was "Hello, (girlfriend) here, happy new year to you too" That made me laugh, she is vetting his text messages now? I replied happy new year to you and yours too (with a smiley face) please ensure that SR and the girls get my message.

So, time for bed all by myself :(


milla said...

Sounds awesome! Glad you had a good time! Happy 2007.


The Real Bridget Jones said...

Thanks {milla} Happy New Year
