Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sneezy and studying

I managed to get 2 modules done today - yippee, a bit concerned because it seemed to be sinking in. Let's hope I can recall it next week. Just think this time next week it is all over.

I have the opticians in the morning and then I got a phone call from the doctor asking me to go in for a check- up. That means I'm not going to get much done tomorrow.

Coffee Man is coming over tomorrow at 6 and we are going to the pictures. It is Valentine's Day after all.

I spent the evening on the phone to my mum, she has bought a new PC and is struggling to set it up. Hopefully she is ok now. It seemed to be working ok.


Anonymous said...

Was everything okay with the doctor hon? I dont like the sound of doctor's calling and asking you to come in?

How was your Valentines Day? How is your mum's PC trouble? Its not like you not to post for a day without mentioning you wont, unless of course its a weekend and you get all caught up and entangled with Mr Coffee Man!

Just checking you are ok, perhaps you are studying or working hard...

Hugs and licks and kisses


The Real Bridget Jones said...

Hi rosie,
Thanks for the concern hun. Well, the Dr had decided that I had been too long without a check up, I've got mitral stenosis and although it is mild evey now and then he remembers me and thinks he should check that I'm still alive and the ticker is ticking. Apart from the BP being low I was fine though.

Valentine's Day was wonderful, Coffee Man turned up with 2 dozen red roses and a little book of vouchers for me to use if I want him to be my love slave, (he has a sense of humour, I explained that it is usually the other way round and I'm not suited to the dominant role so he took those ones out and said he would use them instead!) We went to the cinema and then on to dinner and got home very late so well, I'll let your imagination fill in the gaps. He is learning though. My nilla man is getting very authoritarian and I love it :)

Mam is nearly there with her pc but she needs an update which I shall sort for her tomorrow, I have slotted her into my revision plan for post exam practise. Lord help me when she is back on line.

Right coffee break over, back to my coefficient of determinations!

Thanks again sweetie - big hugs and kisses!!!

(giggles- nearly signed as me proper)