Sunday, May 06, 2007

Same old Sunday

A normal boring Sunday, I went to the gym, came home, did the housework, changed the bed, washed the line, dried, ironed and back on the bed. Tidied, sorted out a cupboard.
Waited for the phone to ring, or beep, nothing :(

And so to bed


Anonymous said...

Ok I know its a really old saying buttttt....

A watched kettle never boils....
(or something like that - I tend to put in the wrong words on occasion - ask CK)

How true eh? Sighs for you. Its a no win thing. Turn the phone off, you get a call and miss out on something that is SO important, leave the phone on and you miss nothing....

I think its more a matter of setting your mind that you absolutely dont give a flying fat rats crack if you have no phone calls...then suddenly it seems that some sort of telepathic thing happens and you get "the MOST important" call from "the MOST important" person when you have finally resigned within yourself that you dont care...then the buggers (ie male species) start that internal battle inside your head ALL over again....

And it goes on....and on....and on.... female nature I am rekoning!



The Real Bridget Jones said...

Oh I know, and I tried so hard not to keep checking just in case I missed it when I hoovered, or was down in the shed etc.
Silly thing is I still don't know who I want to be on the other end of it.