What a fab weekend! I just love Holland it is a wonderful place. The flowers were beautiful, the weather hot, the food --- interesting, the people friendly, or is that cheeky? I have decided that the Dutch are taught to twinkle at an early age! I always get stopped at the airport and frisked after I set the alarms off, (why I don't know) the Spanish don't have a sense of humour about it - the Dutch do, I had my phrasebook in my pocket and before I was allowed to go I was tested on my language skills.
My Dutchman text me whilst I was away to have a good weekend, when I got back I let him know with a text and asked if he missed me. Within minutes he was on the phone and asking how I got on. I had the giggles and left him in no doubt that were he there he would be in trouble!! He laughed and said he could tell I had been to Amsterdam. Still no nearer having a coffee though!
Glad you had a fun time sweetness!
Oh I did thank you hun, I can't wait to go back, you would love it!!!!!
(Next time WITHOUT the parents though!)
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