Monday, May 28, 2007


I went for a coffee with a friend yesterday, or more honestly a friend of a friend, yes I was set up on a blind date.

We have similar interests, a geeky hobby, we spent approximately 5 hours talking about the geeky hobby, well he did, (I rarely even mention it on here so you can imaging that it is something I enjoy but am not anal about) the other couple of hours was mainly about him, the problem with women, and people watching, don't get me wrong, we had a laugh, discovered more mutual friends than I realised we had but he is not Mr Wright (yes there is a pun intended in the spelling - just think Orville)

One of the things he said he disliked in women was sarcasm, he may as well have left at that point, but he may become a friend further down the line, I thanked him for an interesting afternoon, I was very honest and explained that I was not physically attracted to him but found him interesting to chat with and a lively companion. I don't believe in letting people live in a hope that can never be fulfilled. That may be wrong of me but I would rather someone was honest with me so that I didn't sit waiting by a phone. (yes, I am! - waiting that is)

so on to today......

There were loads of things I had planned for yesterday but for obvious reasons they didn't get done so I cracked on today.

The first was to put a cover over my shed window which had broken in the weathers. I managed to do that in the weathers and somehow it is still on! It has been torrential rain and strong winds all day.

Then I sorted out all of the paperwork that has collected for the last x amount of time being put off and put off. It took ages, I really must keep on top of it.

Then I did a really thorough house clean, top to bottom.

Lastly it was time to catch up on my studies, I had to do 9 sessions to catch up as I have been remiss over the weekend, (well it was my birthday!)

I am quite pleased though as it is induction day at Uni tomorrow for the start of the new year and I have already done 7 workbooks with 4 left to do of the first module. If I can get it done before the first workshop it will leave me clear to concentrate on my assignment.

I want to try and maintain this through all 4 modules if I can. This will involve approximately 3 sessions per day every day. Not always feasible so sometimes I have to play catch up like today.

So now, it's time to chill......


staGGer said...

you big girly swat. borderline teacher's pet in fact

The Real Bridget Jones said...

uh huh! You got that right (grins)

staGGer said...

oh & I addled you to my kinks, I mean added you to my links. Its reversable if uncomfy.

The Real Bridget Jones said...

why thank you, I rather like (chain) links :)

I really must learn how to do that, the number I read regularly is getting unmanageable to keep track of...

Anonymous said...

I was going to say something that was highly important but got side tracked on the "big girly swat comment" and I have lost my train of thought....

I guess I shall just go back to my thoughts of Enid Blighton and ginger beer....

Oh btw bridget.... its easy to do, (as in link people) I will send you an email in the morning about how to put it in your template....

Mind you, being the girly swat, I figure you are leading us up the garden path and just being lil miss "i donnnnntttt know how to dooooooo it".....

Oh yeah...thats what I was going to ask.... whats this geeky little hobby that you love eh? eh? eh? eh? can we take a vote? Can I put a voting thing on my blog and list five geeky things that our lil Ms Bridget may be into and ask readers comments?


Love you sweetness


The Real Bridget Jones said...

A vote would be fun Rosie....I'd love to see the results

And yes I generally can work things out eventually, I hate to be beaten....well that's not strictly true, aw you know what I mean!!!