Sunday, April 01, 2007


It took me 5 hours to drive to Coffee Man's on Friday as I was at the other end of the country almost so I was weary when I arrived.

He was waiting for me with a cup of tea, how well he knows me! After that he poured me a glass of red wine, led me upstairs to the bathroom to where a very hot bath awaited (now I know why he told me to ring him when I was close!) all bubbles and scented oils, candles lit and scenting the air. Also in the bathroom was a bouquet of tulips, my favourite flower. After a good long soak and unwind I joined him downstairs where he had made a very light supper, knowing that I can't eat a proper meal late at night.

It was the perfect end to a hectic week. When he is like this he is so thoughtful and it is hard to reconcile him with the man that doesn't realise the power of his words and actions to hurt me.

I came home this morning for my gym class and to return the favour I am about to cook him a Sunday roast. He will be here in 2.5 hours, then we are going to the cinema to watch a film that I have been looking forward to and he has been hoping I would forget. Definitely a girly feel good film!


milla said...

I *am* happy to hear this. He does sound like a genuinely caring man, maybe you can trust what he says about the woman, that they're just good friends, dependent and it's a hard habit to break. He sounds devoted to you from what you write here. I'm glad you had a good day!
Makes me really really wish i had a bath!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh Bridget what a lovely surprise!

So nice so nice so nice SO nice....

How did the rest of the evening end up? Gawd I hope "she" didnt tag along to the movie *crosses fingers* gawd....

Hope it was just you and CM and back home to bed and more candles and massages and and and spankings and and and.....coughs...ok stop there rosie.


The Real Bridget Jones said...

It was lovely and unexpected and yes Rosie the evening was fab too. She neither came nor was mentioned!!!!!

unfortunately he had to go home last night as he started work at 4am but for all that it was lovely.

Thanks for your comments though, it makes a change for me to be upbeat I know and I'm sorry for being a moany mare sometimes.

Hug to you both

Anonymous said...

Well if you are a "moany mare" I must be a ...... ummmmmmm...."wallowing wallaby"?? grins

Glad it was all good sweetness.
