Saturday, April 14, 2007

Happy Day!!!

Well, my Uni group all went out on the razz last night as the dreaded results were expected. What was going be the outcome of a year's hard study and 2 days of awful exams? We went to a nice Italian and then on to a bar before getting home late.

I got home and no results!!!! :-(

This morning I was awake early, went to the DIY shed and chose some paper for the stairs, came home and waited for the postman.

And waited

And waited

Finally he arrived and I opened the envelope with trepidation. .....

I passed one of the 4

and got credits in the other 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yippee no resits!!!!!

I am one happy chicken.

Whilst I was at the DIY shed I picked up a new phone socket as the one I had had multiple extensions and broadband filters hanging from it - very unsightly. So I rewired that with a new one with an integrated filter and it works too. And it looks so neat and tidy.

So a jolly good Saturday was had by all!


Anonymous said...


Congratulations girleeeee!!!!


milla said...

Well done! That rocks.


The Real Bridget Jones said...

Thank you both, I'm still on a high, I really did not expect that I would pass all 4.

(grins stupidly)

Snogs and smooches