And then some!!! I'm not only completely up to date with my studies I've done a bit extra to make up for the fact that I know next week will be a struggle.
feeling smug - fat but smug.
I need to get my weight back under control. Since leaving CM I've put on half a stone ....eeeeeeeek!
A combination of working away and comfort eating. So I've been on the salad today, mmmm lovely (yuk yuk yuk)
a friend broke up from her man yesterday so we have been planning a little escape and girly treat. Should be fun.
I feel really random today.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
I went for a coffee with a friend yesterday, or more honestly a friend of a friend, yes I was set up on a blind date.
We have similar interests, a geeky hobby, we spent approximately 5 hours talking about the geeky hobby, well he did, (I rarely even mention it on here so you can imaging that it is something I enjoy but am not anal about) the other couple of hours was mainly about him, the problem with women, and people watching, don't get me wrong, we had a laugh, discovered more mutual friends than I realised we had but he is not Mr Wright (yes there is a pun intended in the spelling - just think Orville)
One of the things he said he disliked in women was sarcasm, he may as well have left at that point, but he may become a friend further down the line, I thanked him for an interesting afternoon, I was very honest and explained that I was not physically attracted to him but found him interesting to chat with and a lively companion. I don't believe in letting people live in a hope that can never be fulfilled. That may be wrong of me but I would rather someone was honest with me so that I didn't sit waiting by a phone. (yes, I am! - waiting that is)
so on to today......
There were loads of things I had planned for yesterday but for obvious reasons they didn't get done so I cracked on today.
The first was to put a cover over my shed window which had broken in the weathers. I managed to do that in the weathers and somehow it is still on! It has been torrential rain and strong winds all day.
Then I sorted out all of the paperwork that has collected for the last x amount of time being put off and put off. It took ages, I really must keep on top of it.
Then I did a really thorough house clean, top to bottom.
Lastly it was time to catch up on my studies, I had to do 9 sessions to catch up as I have been remiss over the weekend, (well it was my birthday!)
I am quite pleased though as it is induction day at Uni tomorrow for the start of the new year and I have already done 7 workbooks with 4 left to do of the first module. If I can get it done before the first workshop it will leave me clear to concentrate on my assignment.
I want to try and maintain this through all 4 modules if I can. This will involve approximately 3 sessions per day every day. Not always feasible so sometimes I have to play catch up like today.
So now, it's time to chill......
We have similar interests, a geeky hobby, we spent approximately 5 hours talking about the geeky hobby, well he did, (I rarely even mention it on here so you can imaging that it is something I enjoy but am not anal about) the other couple of hours was mainly about him, the problem with women, and people watching, don't get me wrong, we had a laugh, discovered more mutual friends than I realised we had but he is not Mr Wright (yes there is a pun intended in the spelling - just think Orville)
One of the things he said he disliked in women was sarcasm, he may as well have left at that point, but he may become a friend further down the line, I thanked him for an interesting afternoon, I was very honest and explained that I was not physically attracted to him but found him interesting to chat with and a lively companion. I don't believe in letting people live in a hope that can never be fulfilled. That may be wrong of me but I would rather someone was honest with me so that I didn't sit waiting by a phone. (yes, I am! - waiting that is)
so on to today......
There were loads of things I had planned for yesterday but for obvious reasons they didn't get done so I cracked on today.
The first was to put a cover over my shed window which had broken in the weathers. I managed to do that in the weathers and somehow it is still on! It has been torrential rain and strong winds all day.
Then I sorted out all of the paperwork that has collected for the last x amount of time being put off and put off. It took ages, I really must keep on top of it.
Then I did a really thorough house clean, top to bottom.
Lastly it was time to catch up on my studies, I had to do 9 sessions to catch up as I have been remiss over the weekend, (well it was my birthday!)
I am quite pleased though as it is induction day at Uni tomorrow for the start of the new year and I have already done 7 workbooks with 4 left to do of the first module. If I can get it done before the first workshop it will leave me clear to concentrate on my assignment.
I want to try and maintain this through all 4 modules if I can. This will involve approximately 3 sessions per day every day. Not always feasible so sometimes I have to play catch up like today.
So now, it's time to chill......
Sunday, May 27, 2007
I've just got in from an afternoon coffee with a friend, hmm 7 hours, oops, I never did get all my chores done. It was an interesting afternoon though.
Good job tomorrow is a Bank Holiday.
I'm really tired and I have a headache now so I'm off to bed,
Good job tomorrow is a Bank Holiday.
I'm really tired and I have a headache now so I'm off to bed,
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Home again
It's been another busy week again, running around all over the country. I seem to be living in the car at the moment.
I spoke to the Dutchman last night, we are meeting for coffee next week!!! I am nervous, scared, excited, apprehensive, more nervous..... It's been years since we split up and I don't know how I'm going to feel.
I'm planning on playing it cool, it's no big deal after all, 2 old friends meeting up for coffee. What can be simpler than that?
I spoke to the Dutchman last night, we are meeting for coffee next week!!! I am nervous, scared, excited, apprehensive, more nervous..... It's been years since we split up and I don't know how I'm going to feel.
I'm planning on playing it cool, it's no big deal after all, 2 old friends meeting up for coffee. What can be simpler than that?
Monday, May 21, 2007
Home from the Netherlands
What a fab weekend! I just love Holland it is a wonderful place. The flowers were beautiful, the weather hot, the food --- interesting, the people friendly, or is that cheeky? I have decided that the Dutch are taught to twinkle at an early age! I always get stopped at the airport and frisked after I set the alarms off, (why I don't know) the Spanish don't have a sense of humour about it - the Dutch do, I had my phrasebook in my pocket and before I was allowed to go I was tested on my language skills.
My Dutchman text me whilst I was away to have a good weekend, when I got back I let him know with a text and asked if he missed me. Within minutes he was on the phone and asking how I got on. I had the giggles and left him in no doubt that were he there he would be in trouble!! He laughed and said he could tell I had been to Amsterdam. Still no nearer having a coffee though!
Friday, May 18, 2007
I've been away all week so it's a quick turnaround tonight. we have to be at the airport for 3.25 am (yawn!)
Only away for the weekend but I'm having a real fret about everything going well. I don't have proper 'tickets' but the lady at the travel agent said that the booking confirmation she e-mailed me was sufficient. Until I have the boarding passes in my hnd I'm paranoid though.
Holland here we come!!!
(and yes, my Dutchman has been in contact all week - happy thoughts!)
Only away for the weekend but I'm having a real fret about everything going well. I don't have proper 'tickets' but the lady at the travel agent said that the booking confirmation she e-mailed me was sufficient. Until I have the boarding passes in my hnd I'm paranoid though.
Holland here we come!!!
(and yes, my Dutchman has been in contact all week - happy thoughts!)
Monday, May 14, 2007
Busy weekend
I had a flat out trying not to think sort of weekend.
I changed a couple of light switches, I didn't want to get the electrician back, after his telephone call to check whether I prefer Ms or Mrs on the invoice, he then went on to say that he only really rang because he loves talking to me, "my voice does things to him" eeeek!! He had already been far too tactile when he was here, I'm certainly not having him back if I'm home alone!!! So I changed them and they work and I didn't blow the house up.
I then did all the glossing that needed to be done, 18 sq metres of it. By Saturday night I was aching. I went to Pilates Sunday then straight to my sister's as it was my brother-in-laws birthday party.
All in all, I tried not to let my brain run loose.
It's the Dutchman's birthday today so I wished him a happy birthday early on. He complained of feeling old, bless him!
I'm away for the rest of the week so I'm not sure what connection I will have, always a mystery!
I changed a couple of light switches, I didn't want to get the electrician back, after his telephone call to check whether I prefer Ms or Mrs on the invoice, he then went on to say that he only really rang because he loves talking to me, "my voice does things to him" eeeek!! He had already been far too tactile when he was here, I'm certainly not having him back if I'm home alone!!! So I changed them and they work and I didn't blow the house up.
I then did all the glossing that needed to be done, 18 sq metres of it. By Saturday night I was aching. I went to Pilates Sunday then straight to my sister's as it was my brother-in-laws birthday party.
All in all, I tried not to let my brain run loose.
It's the Dutchman's birthday today so I wished him a happy birthday early on. He complained of feeling old, bless him!
I'm away for the rest of the week so I'm not sure what connection I will have, always a mystery!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Decorating done (sort of)
Well, the decorator finished today, there's a couple of bits that I'm not happy with so I want to fiddle with them. (Perfectionist that I am!)
The Dutchman rang too. I must have been really sensitive today as his teasing got to me a bit. I must have gone quiet as he backed off and tried to reassure me. (I am so high maintenance?)
I don't mean to be high maintenance, but I think I must be. I can be really sensitive sometimes. I wish I could learn to just shrug things off and laugh.
The upshot of the conversation is he is planning to drop in and surprise me sometime, I told him I would rather know, what happens if he comes when I'm emptying the loft and all scruffy? I want our meeting (if it ever happens ) to be perfect, I want to look my best, have done all the girly stuff, you know the type of thing - not a stray hair anywhere! Be scrubbed up and sexy not in my sweats!
I feel really unsettled.
The Dutchman rang too. I must have been really sensitive today as his teasing got to me a bit. I must have gone quiet as he backed off and tried to reassure me. (I am so high maintenance?)
I don't mean to be high maintenance, but I think I must be. I can be really sensitive sometimes. I wish I could learn to just shrug things off and laugh.
The upshot of the conversation is he is planning to drop in and surprise me sometime, I told him I would rather know, what happens if he comes when I'm emptying the loft and all scruffy? I want our meeting (if it ever happens ) to be perfect, I want to look my best, have done all the girly stuff, you know the type of thing - not a stray hair anywhere! Be scrubbed up and sexy not in my sweats!
I feel really unsettled.
Thursday, May 10, 2007

I've just been watching the news, it's absolutely heartbreaking. The 3 year old girl that was abducted last week, her mother is just being so brave, you can see her getting more and more gaunt every day and the way she implored the people who took her to not scare her or hurt her.... there are no words to describe the way that poor woman is feeling. I just hope and pray that the little girl is found safe and well and not scarred by the experience.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Don't ask how it happened but I have just booked a weekend in Amsterdam with my parents.
I don't know, one moment we were chatting, the next I was online booking it, there are bulb gardens in keukenhof that she wanted to see and in a moment of madness I said let's do it.
Holland here we come and no it's just a coincidence, and if we happen to meet crazy Dutch people to break her in gently then so be it. :)
I only know a couple of Dutch words gek=crazy, the first word i learned, in the context of ik ben gek over u (may have got the spelling and grammar wrong?)
and t'gaat, t'gaat as a reply to 'hoe gaat het met jij?'
Not mentioning the rude words (giggle) can't teach mother those!
I don't know, one moment we were chatting, the next I was online booking it, there are bulb gardens in keukenhof that she wanted to see and in a moment of madness I said let's do it.
Holland here we come and no it's just a coincidence, and if we happen to meet crazy Dutch people to break her in gently then so be it. :)
I only know a couple of Dutch words gek=crazy, the first word i learned, in the context of ik ben gek over u (may have got the spelling and grammar wrong?)
and t'gaat, t'gaat as a reply to 'hoe gaat het met jij?'
Not mentioning the rude words (giggle) can't teach mother those!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
A watched phone never rings, but perhaps one you glance at once or twice might beep?
The Dutchman text this morning to say he was on his way home and then rang me from the port when he got back to Kent. We chatted for 20 minutes and as ever he wound me up, teased me, flirted, cared. I have such a maelstrom of emotions with this man. He has the knack of producing every emotion known to woman.
I hate it when he goes home as his accent is so thick when he returns, and combined with a mobile phone I sometimes struggle to understand him which he teases me for. He can be so juvenile one minute and the next he makes me feel like the only woman on earth. It would never last would it? And yet when I don't hear from him I feel like there is something missing. I don't know what to do with him for sanity. My family would hate him, they never did meet him when we were dating as I don't live on their doorstep. They hated SR as the Dutchman is zanier. He is very ...... continental. By that I mean he is blunt. My family is very English. We don't talk about anything important emotionally. Stiff upper lip, and I know that sounds old fashioned but it's the way my family are. If he wants to say something he does, if he thinks it he says it. That's how I know my family would not approve. Mentally he was always tender with me and if I was upset he was so gentle. He is a big flirt and I remember one time he took it too far. We were in a pub, and I just welled up (PMT) he took one look at my red eyes and was mortified and devoted 110% of his attention to me afterwards. He is totally anti-establishment and I'm quite a conformist.
Now, on the other side of the coin (literally) my other friend also made contact after his weekend away. On the surface my family would love him. He has a respectable job, a respectable sense of humour and would never embarrass me. (well, not in the same way) we met through a lifestyle group, and have faded in and out of each other's lives over the last 12 months or so. When I first found out about SR's interests I set out to find out more, this guy has acted as a mentor. He expressed an interest in taking it further when things went down the pan with SR. Then I met CM and fell back into a vanilla lifestyle and once more that did not work.
Does it sound strange that I am too independent and headstrong to have a vanilla relationship and yet I thrive in a D/s one?
We keep making arrangements to meet up and things keep thwarting us. I know I always say things happen for a reason, but if I'm using my head not my heart I feel that long term he is better for me. Perhaps I just need one last mad fling with the Dutchman to prove it though?
I sound like such a tart! I'm not...honest, well only when I'm told to be....
The Dutchman text this morning to say he was on his way home and then rang me from the port when he got back to Kent. We chatted for 20 minutes and as ever he wound me up, teased me, flirted, cared. I have such a maelstrom of emotions with this man. He has the knack of producing every emotion known to woman.
I hate it when he goes home as his accent is so thick when he returns, and combined with a mobile phone I sometimes struggle to understand him which he teases me for. He can be so juvenile one minute and the next he makes me feel like the only woman on earth. It would never last would it? And yet when I don't hear from him I feel like there is something missing. I don't know what to do with him for sanity. My family would hate him, they never did meet him when we were dating as I don't live on their doorstep. They hated SR as the Dutchman is zanier. He is very ...... continental. By that I mean he is blunt. My family is very English. We don't talk about anything important emotionally. Stiff upper lip, and I know that sounds old fashioned but it's the way my family are. If he wants to say something he does, if he thinks it he says it. That's how I know my family would not approve. Mentally he was always tender with me and if I was upset he was so gentle. He is a big flirt and I remember one time he took it too far. We were in a pub, and I just welled up (PMT) he took one look at my red eyes and was mortified and devoted 110% of his attention to me afterwards. He is totally anti-establishment and I'm quite a conformist.
Now, on the other side of the coin (literally) my other friend also made contact after his weekend away. On the surface my family would love him. He has a respectable job, a respectable sense of humour and would never embarrass me. (well, not in the same way) we met through a lifestyle group, and have faded in and out of each other's lives over the last 12 months or so. When I first found out about SR's interests I set out to find out more, this guy has acted as a mentor. He expressed an interest in taking it further when things went down the pan with SR. Then I met CM and fell back into a vanilla lifestyle and once more that did not work.
Does it sound strange that I am too independent and headstrong to have a vanilla relationship and yet I thrive in a D/s one?
We keep making arrangements to meet up and things keep thwarting us. I know I always say things happen for a reason, but if I'm using my head not my heart I feel that long term he is better for me. Perhaps I just need one last mad fling with the Dutchman to prove it though?
I sound like such a tart! I'm not...honest, well only when I'm told to be....
Monday, May 07, 2007
Bank Holiday
I wasn't sure if the decorators would be here or not today, the project manager had said they would, his secretary confirmed it, but the plasterers on Friday said that they wouldn't. They were right, so I washed my windows, (not the best idea I've had as they will be covered in dust by this time tomorrow when they start ripping out the hallway)
I'm working from home for the next few days whilst they do it so I'll be stir crazy by Friday. Noise, dust and interruptions. Pass the Valium!
The phone has been quiet again today.... but it's still early. (No Rosie ... I'm not watching it... honest!)
I'm working from home for the next few days whilst they do it so I'll be stir crazy by Friday. Noise, dust and interruptions. Pass the Valium!
The phone has been quiet again today.... but it's still early. (No Rosie ... I'm not watching it... honest!)
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Same old Sunday
A normal boring Sunday, I went to the gym, came home, did the housework, changed the bed, washed the line, dried, ironed and back on the bed. Tidied, sorted out a cupboard.
Waited for the phone to ring, or beep, nothing :(
And so to bed
Waited for the phone to ring, or beep, nothing :(
And so to bed
Saturday, May 05, 2007
A Kiss
What Every Kiss Means
Body: ♥ Kiss on the stomach = I'm ready
♥Kiss on the Forehead = "I hope we're together forever"
♥Kiss on the Ear = "Your my everything"
♥Kiss on the Cheek = "We're friends"
♥Kiss on the Hand = "I adore you"
♥Kiss on the Neck = "We belong together"
♥Kiss on the Shoulder = "I want you"
♥Kiss on the Lips = "I love you"
♥What the gesture means♥
♥Holding Hands = "We definitely love each other"
♥Slap on the Butt = "That's mine"
♥Holding on tight = "I don't want to let go"
♥Looking into each other's Eyes = "I just plain love you"
♥Playing with Hair = "Tell me you love me"
♥Arms around the Waist = "I love you too much to let go"
♥Laughing while Kissing = "I am completely comfortable with you"
Don't ask for a kiss, take one.
If you were thinking about someone while reading this,
you're definitely in Love.
The Dutchman is in Holland for the Bank Holiday weekend, I teased him as he is going to Amsterdam. He laughed and said that there was more to Amsterdam than the red light district. He kept joking that it was where the diamond centre was too, I joked and reminded him that I prefer silver to gold, and square cut is nice....
I wonder...... where is his brain, I'm being stupid and romantic....ignore me!
Body: ♥ Kiss on the stomach = I'm ready
♥Kiss on the Forehead = "I hope we're together forever"
♥Kiss on the Ear = "Your my everything"
♥Kiss on the Cheek = "We're friends"
♥Kiss on the Hand = "I adore you"
♥Kiss on the Neck = "We belong together"
♥Kiss on the Shoulder = "I want you"
♥Kiss on the Lips = "I love you"
♥What the gesture means♥
♥Holding Hands = "We definitely love each other"
♥Slap on the Butt = "That's mine"
♥Holding on tight = "I don't want to let go"
♥Looking into each other's Eyes = "I just plain love you"
♥Playing with Hair = "Tell me you love me"
♥Arms around the Waist = "I love you too much to let go"
♥Laughing while Kissing = "I am completely comfortable with you"
Don't ask for a kiss, take one.
If you were thinking about someone while reading this,
you're definitely in Love.
The Dutchman is in Holland for the Bank Holiday weekend, I teased him as he is going to Amsterdam. He laughed and said that there was more to Amsterdam than the red light district. He kept joking that it was where the diamond centre was too, I joked and reminded him that I prefer silver to gold, and square cut is nice....
I wonder...... where is his brain, I'm being stupid and romantic....ignore me!
Friday, May 04, 2007
Worked my socks off!
I was working from home today, had loads more evaluations coming in all day. They were supposed to be in by today so I could write the report on Tuesday but no, still got loads outstanding. Same old moan why can't people just follow instructions??
I have a ceiling though, all plastered and looking better than the black plastic that was stapled there since the flood.
I ordered my conservatory - 6 weeks time and I shall have that and new soffits and guttering. The outside will look smart!
I also had the electrician come round to quote, not as much as I feared, I expected a total rewire and a £1000 bill but it is a straight £200.
I've still spent £11,600 pound today eeeek!
The Dutchman rang this morning and I told him of my split from coffee man. He rang again twice after that. It's that old heart and head thing though. I know he's not Mr Right and some of the things he says and does irritate the hell out of me, but then another time he is so sweet and funny and my stomach gets butterflies, and he makes me laugh and giggle.
My other friend who has been somewhat keen is much more sensible. But there is no harm in chatting and drinking coffee. I'm not going to leap from the frying pan into the fire .
I have a ceiling though, all plastered and looking better than the black plastic that was stapled there since the flood.
I ordered my conservatory - 6 weeks time and I shall have that and new soffits and guttering. The outside will look smart!
I also had the electrician come round to quote, not as much as I feared, I expected a total rewire and a £1000 bill but it is a straight £200.
I've still spent £11,600 pound today eeeek!
The Dutchman rang this morning and I told him of my split from coffee man. He rang again twice after that. It's that old heart and head thing though. I know he's not Mr Right and some of the things he says and does irritate the hell out of me, but then another time he is so sweet and funny and my stomach gets butterflies, and he makes me laugh and giggle.
My other friend who has been somewhat keen is much more sensible. But there is no harm in chatting and drinking coffee. I'm not going to leap from the frying pan into the fire .
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
I.T. Who'd have it?
I spent the morning fighting with outlook and printers and trying to get them to work with no luck. This afternoon therefore was spent catching up. This was not made easier by people's inability to follow a set of questions. A colleague sent out a questionnaire that they had to reply with either a 'yes or know' or a '1,2,3' answer, this would enable it to be cut and paste into an excel spreadsheet that has all the formulas built in to calculate the number of responses of each type. 270 people have to answer it and out of the first 40, 18 of them I have had to e-mail to clarify written responses. Some of them I could work out from what they said but not others. Now, had they all not been able to do it I would have questioned the phrasing of it but no, they just cant follow instructions. The people who are replying are all at executive level too. Makes you worry about the future of the firm!!!
I have an electrician calling tomorrow, I thought that before I get redecorated I should put an extra socket or two in, save ruining the new decor. Whilst I'm at it if he checks the rest of the electrics I'll be a bit happier. The fuse box is an old fashioned wired one that has seen its day. It should be on a proper consumer unit so, that too needs to change, mortgage number 2 coming up!
Ah well, let's write a list...........
I have an electrician calling tomorrow, I thought that before I get redecorated I should put an extra socket or two in, save ruining the new decor. Whilst I'm at it if he checks the rest of the electrics I'll be a bit happier. The fuse box is an old fashioned wired one that has seen its day. It should be on a proper consumer unit so, that too needs to change, mortgage number 2 coming up!
Ah well, let's write a list...........
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