Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tuesday again!

Lax again.

Ok, so what has been occurring? I've been working hard all last week, going to the gym, and thinking.

I think too much I know, sometimes I should just let things be.

The dork made contact yesterday and we actually ended up having a bit of a laugh. No hopes are being held out there though.

SR's daughter made contact today, things have become unbearable in the family home with Him and the woman who was not going to be around for long and who is still there. She has asked me to go for dinner on Sunday.

I went to see Shrek today, it was funny. I went with my brother, he is as big a kid as me.

Oh and I have caught a cold, typical huh?

That's all folks!


Anonymous said...

Life rolls on eh?

Gives you a hug.

Sorry about the cold...blasted things. Sometimes I think its better to have a full blown flu rather than a cold as to struggle on with a cold for 5 days at work is almost and I do say "almost" as bad as spending two days in bed with the flu....but then again I dont want to jinx myself and the flue is bad....way bad.... hey.... whats up with a cold in the middle of your boiling hot summer eh girl?

Tutts....brandy...... hmmmm...nope not brandy....a couple of bottles of vino some really hot curry and a drunken night out with the girls is what you need....(dont we all)


The Real Bridget Jones said...

I contemplated the gym and then had a coughing fit and decided that it was best not to.

feeling grouchy!!!

You could be right about the night out with the girls though.....

Sniffly yours