Monday, October 22, 2007

Still lax

Yes I know I know, I read another post today and it commented on how sometimes there is just no compulsion to blog.

One of the reasons I started my blog was to empty my brain of all those thoughts that clutter it up and cloud your judgement. Borne of sadness and confusion. Even when I was seeing Coffee Man I continued to blog, there was still something missing, since meeting E life seems more complete. I feel relaxed and comfortable, the feelings that SR stirred have been fulfilled.

I was skating on the extremes of a secret world, now I have been given the key. I feel like I have been given the most wondrous gift in the world.

Work is busy, frantic even and yet I feel calm, I know that the minute I clock off I am His and have just one responsibility and that is Him.

I never expected to feel this treasured, like a piece of fragile crystal does that seem strange? It is a wonderful feeling.


milla said...

Dude! This rocks. So happy for you. Now's definitely the time for the three of us to get together and have a coffee. Darn this separate continent thing! Thanks for the lovely comment. Hug hug.

The Real Bridget Jones said...

Oh I so wish we could, that would be great :sighs:

Thank you sweetie

Anonymous said...

I am very very happy for you Bridget, you truely deserve to be happy as you are a beautiful, loving, caring person.

Hugs & smooches


The Real Bridget Jones said...

blushes, thank you Rosie. That means a lot coming from you though as there have been many times I have sat and wished that I could be as calm and have ability to reflect as you do instead of reacting to everything.
Hugs n stuff