Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hotels and Internet Connections

So, here we are, in a long distance relationship with a fabulous American. Hmm, is that what I shall call Him? The American...

He works in a similar manner to me, lives His life on the road and travels from hotel to hotel. This week saw the first interactions with both of us in hotels. Aaaaargh!

If it wasn't my connection dropping out it was His. How frustrating was that, we did get some unexpected time together today though. He has set me a task, I am to write a story for Him for His return. So, where do I start...

Answers on a postcard please!


Anonymous said...

Start from the beginning girl...from the beginning...grins

CK is SO smart.... HE said He must be American... thats only a 10 hour flight? Depending on which side of the USA? Thats not toooo bad eh? Not too bad...

Hmmm He could have given you a topic (hmphs). A story... well its got to be about you doesnt it, with a twist, from the deep dark fantisies inside?

Or it could be about your seaside...walking along the pebbles in the early morning, inhaling the crispness of spring, getting to the end of the beach and seeing an old boatshed...with the door open...

Hmmm you have probably already written it now!

Must be the week for writing tasks!


The Real Bridget Jones said...

Yep He's over the pond, currently in the south although He's from smack bang in the middle.

The concept has to be from those inner depths that a little English girl would never openly discuss. The dark side indeed!

I've got some initial plottings going on but nothing committed, that's a Sunday afternoon job...

Thanks for the tips!

Anonymous said...

Chuckles... yeah.... I know those "inner concepts that little girls never discuss"! Particularly "British little girls"!


Anonymous said...