Tuesday, September 23, 2008

First flush of lust....

What's that song..."I could have danced all night, ....." well, date number three went really rather well, I think I need a fourth though just to check....have to make that Thursday.....

I could have danced all night
I could have danced all night
And still have begged for more
I could have spread my wings
And done a thousand things
I'd never ever done before
I'll never know what made it so exciting
But all at once my heart took flight
I only know when he began to dance with me
I could have danced, danced, danced, danced, danced, danced
Bed? I couldn't go to bed
My head's too light to try to settle down
Sleep? I couldn't sleep tonight
Not for all the jewels in the crown!
I'll never know what made it so exciting
But all at once my heart took flight
I only know when he began to dance with me
I could have danced, danced, danced, danced all night

Ok Ok I know, it's lust and it will fade but it's great whilst it lasts, reality will kick in soon enough!


Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh, my dear fair lady, wouldnt it be loverly??


The Real Bridget Jones said...

It would indeed.....my luck never runs that way though does it?
Enjoy it whilst it lasts...

milla said...


I was Freddy in a primary school production of that!

milla said...

Haha my yay goes off the screen.

The Real Bridget Jones said...

Giggles at milla...that was one big yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy, gotta scoot being picked up in an hour....